Sharing online information that is not verifed or false supports massive misinformation that can have important and negative repercussions on the quality of the debate and the community. The thesis project “Sharenobyl” wants to increase the awareness of a wider audience about the responsibility of sharing information online through an analogue device. The device looks like a parallelepiped and embedded in the top surface is a monitor and on each side four “share” buttons. The monitor displays a series of information that can have two qualities: “fact” or “fake” (proven or false information). While the information is displayed, the users (max. 4 users, i.e. 1 user per side) can choose whether to share it or not by pressing the button. If the shared information is “fake”, foul-smelling smoke will be released from the sides of the parallelepiped and the smoke will “poison” metaphorically the participants. If the shared information is a “fact”, fans will turn on to blow away the possible presence of smoke. If the participant is not alone but using the device with other people, it is most likely that they will engage in dialogue to prevent a negative outcome. Afer the experience, the participants will receive an informative booklet containing strategies on how to avoid sharing fake news in the future.
Degree project by Francesca Centonze for the diploma session in the BA Design.
students:Francesca Centonze
supervisors: Kris Krois, Matteo Moretti
- media
- politics
- society
- technology