The online news’ world is nowadays dominated by unclear information, and we are attending the rise of new phenomena that influence and distort the reader’s mind about important issues, like, for instance, the one of immigration.
Two of these phenomena are for example churnalism or click bating, which allow journalists to use old pieces of journalism or to write eye-catching headlines to attract the user reading the articles, even the information has nothing to do with the title.
Therefore, what we read about immigration is often misleading, unclear, or without supporting data.
Also we have to consider that Italy has the highest percentage of illiteracy in Europe, which makes our people even more at a disadvantage while reading news.
The project #Parliamone wants to intervene into this intricate world of online information, by treating the topic of immigration from the very basis of disinformation: the clichés about immigration.
The projects sees the collaboration of Valigiablu and Openmigration, two organizations of journalists that are completely independent and try to always write about current events by using data and reliable sources.
The second collaboration is instead with online effective speakers: youtubers. Youtubers are strong and powerful communicators in the internet, they are not involved in politics, and they can easily reach a huge amount of variegated online users (men, woman, left parted, right parted, etc). That’s why they proved to be the perfect kind of online communicators for this project: because they could have spread the message to users who maybe are not involved into newspapers or are victims of bad journalism.
Also, the world of youtube is nowadays dominated by poor-content videos like challenges with foods, pranks, and other “stupid” stuff. Nowadays youtube users are therefore demanding some videos that could be different from the contents that youtubers normally display.
With this project, it is also meant to increase the level of contents on Youtube, and to show youtube followers that also different topics could be treated online by their “idols”.
The design part consisted in creating a process in order to combine these two communicators and to even include design. This process consists in getting data and articles from journalists, and sketch out from these articles and data a script to give to youtubers.
#Parliamone sees now the collaboration with six youtubers with different backgrounds and users’ range: Claudio di Biagio, Cool and the Game, Alice Mangione, Dellimellow, Double Face and Boban Pesov.
Each you tuber created a video on a specific cliché, and opened up debates and discussion on their youtube platforms, where users were stimulated to talk about the topic of immigration.
#Parliamone also provides a website that functions as archive for the articles and videos, where the user can get the information and data about the cliché in a deeper way, by reading the article under the video, and a Facebook page where all the unprecedented contents are displayed.
student: Noemi Biasetton
supervisors: Matteo Moretti, Kris Krois
- media
- politics
- society